Making Critical Health Data Available to Caregivers
How it Works!
Our solution is a perfect fit for people at home and in facilities. Smardii cannot replace caregivers, but it is designed to provide them with critical health data that will allow them to provide a Better Care!
To use Smardii, you'll need the following:
The "Puck"
It is a reusable, rechargeable, and waterproof Medical Device that transmits critical health data to caregivers so that they can have useful information at their fingertips and provide better care to their loved ones. You'll buy this once, as your starter kit.
The "Strips"
These are Disposable Sensor-Strips that can be self-applied into any incontinence protection (our solution is brand agnostic). You'll need to buy refills "as you go".
The "App"
Basic Features are free, but.....
A Monthly Subscription would get you:
Discounted strip pricing
Strip inventory management and automatic reorders
Access to full patient history
Deeper insights on urology patterns
Up to 6 care receivers
Up to 6 caretakers
LTE Connectivity for increased mobility
Immobilization Alerts (for bedsores)
Visualization of body positioning in real time
Sharing Data with Primary Care Provider (PCP)
Note Taking/sharing among users
Smardii is the
New Standard of Care
Predictive and preventative care tool for improved health.
Facility and staff management tool for healthcare operators.
Patients and families engagement.
Better care for patients with cognitive disorders.
Automated Logs for the Good Care given.
More operational insight for healthcare operators to better allocate staff to the critical tasks.​